Our Crown of Petals


What would our lives be like if we wore a crown of petals instead of a crown of thorns?

Restoring Your Faith


On a daily basis we carry around weakness and struggle with the deafening weight of imperfection. Sharing that with our Lord is going to restore your days faith.

YOU Don’t Become Un-useable


It’s ok for aprons to become dirty and worn and un-useable in time. But it’s NOT ok for you to become those things.

FOMO gets me too!


You’re not alone my friend. FOMO is a very real thing that affects everyone to varying degrees and levels.

Spiritual Self Care Ideas


Spiritual self-care can mean different things to different people. Here are some spiritual self-care ideas that you can start today.

Big Doors Swing On Small Hinges


Sometimes we all need a reminder that sometimes the little things matter most. It takes a small hinge to open a big door!

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