
Your Darkness is a GIFT

  1. Melissa Leakey says:

    This was beautiful!! Thank you!!

  2. Sherry says:

    I’ve always believed blessings come from the difficult experiences in life. This was beautiful and very well said. Thank you 😊 💖💖💖

  3. Linda says:

    Ty Beth. Today has been a day I would love to forget and I will put it in my past. But yes the dark days of health suffering can be very darkening. I am determined by my Gods help to beat this dark day or days. Because my God is greater than any power on this earth.
    Ty Beth for your view on darkness. It shined a light to allow me to see tonight in this dark tunnel oh health that God is answering and healing will come. I will patiently wait upon the LORD. No matter how dark the tunnel. I have light within and see the light. God is the light.
    I love ❤️ you Beth for sharing your thoughts. Ty.

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