
Wooden Love Notes DIY

  1. These are so adorable! I love how they’d be sturdy enough to save and display for years.

  2. leah says:

    oh these look like so much fun to do, I wanna try with my daughter!

  3. What an original idea and it doesn’t look too hard. THanks for the How to! We will try this out!

    • admin says:

      They are not hard at all! The perfect craft to do with little’s.

  4. Erin says:

    Oh my goodness, those are so cute for displaying at Valentine’s Day! They don’t seem too difficult to make either, which is definitely a bonus.

    • admin says:

      I just love how adorable they are.

  5. Aww, these are so cute for Valentines Day!

  6. Kimberly says:

    What size is the wood ?

What do you think?

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