Whimsical Santa Sleigh

  1. Sheila Alexander says:

    Love the sleigh

  2. Cyndy says:


  3. Jessica Salmond says:

    Now this is something I would make! It’s super cute!????????‍????????

    • Cathi says:

      My Target dollar spot didn’t have these or I would have snatched at least one… yours is amazing!

  4. Leigh Wall says:

    Looks so cute
    You make it look so easy
    Merry Christmas

  5. Herminia A Lee says:

    I love how you transformed the sleigh. I have been looking for one ever since I watched you live. I will find one eventually.

  6. Sandy Spellman says:

    Love it

  7. Connie Johnson says:

    I absolutely love it . I love sleighs and this one is gorgeous. You did very good on this.congradulations.

What do you think?