That hard time you’re in – have you ever considered that maybe it’s the mountain you’ve been assigned to tackle!?! “Maybe, you are meant to climb it and prove the strength and determination to yourself and God!” Maybe, you are meant to climb it so you can share with others at the top that it […]


This Is YOUR Mountain to Climb and How To Do It When You Don’t Have the Energy!

2017 for me has been a year of LOTS of changes!  Changes that were welcome and changes that weren’t.  Changes that stripped me down to my core and changes that built me up.  Every January people make resolutions with the greatest intentions that this will be “their BEST year”!  Don’t get me wrong, it’s great […]


Reclaiming Your Life – Printable Download

Babies are born with a preciousness that is beyond explanation.  The term precious means “honorable” and “of great worth not to be wasted or treated carelessly”.  We hold every newborn with a sense of preciousness.  Even in holding them, we are extra cautious..  They are innocent from the sins of the world and bring a […]


Holding Others As We Are Held

The caterpillar and the butterfly is the epitome of beauty grounded in struggle.  The process of morphing from a caterpillar into a butterfly is actually a very painful process.  It’s hard to see when we are in the middle of the struggle, but when you arrive on the other side, 99% of the time, you […]


Finding the Beauty in Your Struggle

The dreaded Elf season is upon us! Here is the Slacker Mom Elf On The Shelf calendar making your nights much easier!

Crafts/DIY, Organization

Slacker Mom Elf On The Shelf Calendar

I think most of us have a hutch someone in our house or have visions of having one!  To me they are the a versatile piece of furniture that can fit into any home.   They are beautiful themselves but sometimes they just need an extra bit is beauty to make them AHHMAZING!! I found this […]


Hutch Makeover with Tile!

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Whether you're at a crossroads, starting a new chapter, or simply need a reminder of your inherent worth, this book aims to guide and inspire you to live your best life.

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