
What is Joy?  According the to english dictionary is is an emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. In order to have magical joy you have to chose yourself. Let me follow up by saying that this isn’t a post about selfishness!  Selfishness in the […]


2 Steps to Claiming Your Magical JOY

Building a strong marriage with a year of dates is one of the best things you can do for your relationship!  This is such an easy concept that really anyone can do. It’s an easy way to grow in not only your marriage, but in other relationships, as well. You can use it if you’re […]


Strengthen Your Marriage With A Year of Dates – FREE PRINTABLE

With the start of school, many parents are dealing with the packing of lunches every morning and having EASY school lunch ideas makes all of our morning go a lot smoother. Our school offers hot lunches but kiddos prefer to take their own everyday.   And let’s face it, my oldest is 15 and at 6’3″, […]

Organization, Recipes

EASY School Lunch Ideas and FREE Printable Lunchbox Notes

Need a go-to recipe that feeds your family! This enchilada casserole will satisfy everyone’s love of Mexican food and become a favorite in your household!


The BEST Enchilada Casserole – perfect for potlucks!

In order to achieve success you have to believe that you are capable of achieving it.  What is success versus crap identity?  Many of us have a lot of CRAP that we tell ourselves.   That we aren’t smart enough or good enough.  We have limiting beliefs inside of us that hold us back from the […]


Success Versus CRAP Identity?

“It’s never too late to be happy.”  “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  You’ve heard it been said before.  “Take today and move forward.”  But how do you manifest your success?  I’ve got 6 easy steps for you to implement TODAY that will put you on a FAST path to […]


How To Manifest Your Success In 6 Easy Steps

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Whether you're at a crossroads, starting a new chapter, or simply need a reminder of your inherent worth, this book aims to guide and inspire you to live your best life.

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