
Get Back To You and Reconnect With Your Purpose

  1. Lee Ann Nastasi( reda)) says:

    Thank you for your inspirational words. I’ve been trying, but its on Def ears.

    • admin says:

      I can definitely understand that. You will get there my friend. I encourage you to go to Amazon and check out the book Coffee Self-Talk. Here is the link – https://amzn.to/3og390q

  2. Kim McCracken says:

    Thank you for sharing this! So beautiful and so true! It was good to remember…

  3. Amy says:

    Beth, your posts always seem to hit me right where I am at that time. May you be blessed as you continue to bless others! From the bottom of my heart, a friend who enjoys listening and watching from the sidelines. 🙂

  4. Paula Good says:

    Icant find myself right now…trying to read thru the tears…

    • admin says:

      Hopefully good tears my friend! I’m right there with you.

  5. Debie says:

    Beth you always say the right thing and help when one’s in a ruff citation ! I’m so glad our lives have crossed and would love to continue crafting and learning some spiritual ways as well ! You go girl! Spread your joy! 🌸

    • Joy says:

      Thank you for your blog and sharing details about your life. I love watching you craft. In the future I plan to get your subscription box. Your blog was very helpful.

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