
Calming Linen Spray DIY

  1. Emily says:

    I have never thought to make a spray for my sheets. I am all for making my bed as calming as possible since I suffer from insomnia a lot so I will have to give this a try! I know lavender can be great for sleep. Thanks for the idea!

    • admin says:

      I suffer from insomnia too and I definitely needed something to help in that area. I’d love to know how you like it if you try it!

  2. I love simple, natural solutions like this! And your rule about making things pretty made me smile. I tend to be more of the practical sort so I don’t always take time for that. But when I do, it does always feel good and make me smile when I see the beauty!

    • admin says:

      Sometimes it’s just a small step towards making things pretty and it makes such a HUGE difference 🙂 Thank you for visiting!! I hope you stick around for awhile!

  3. Mimi says:

    I suffer from insomnia so I will have to give this a try! I know lavender does wonders for people like myself

  4. Courtney says:

    Sounds lovely!

  5. Such a fun and helpful DIY, making the most of bed time is never a bad idea

  6. Be You and Thrive says:

    Love love lavendar! And this DIY!! Thank you.

  7. jesusglitter says:

    Lavender is my go to for calming my spirit! I love the smell in my sheets. I’m going to try and make my own. You have inspired me!

  8. vanprice says:

    My friend made me one of these once, and it was so nice!

  9. Taylor Reese says:

    I cant believe how easy this is!!! Great stuff.


  10. Alexandra says:

    This would make a simple yet thoughtful gift for anyone. Pinning this!

  11. Melissa Vera says:

    I love how simple and easy this was to make. I need to make some for my room to replace the air freshners we use.

  12. Jolene says:

    I love the scent of lavender! Love the simplicity of this.

  13. Lee says:

    I love lavender linen spray! I have some I made using Young Living oils and love it so much!

  14. It’s so simple! I really like the idea of making my own calming spray, will be spritzing my bed sheets soon! Thanks for sharing.

  15. What a great idea! I will definitely have to give this a try!

  16. Jordan says:

    Love this idea! I bet it smells better and is better for you than Febreze.

  17. Jen Seislove says:

    I have a peppermint spray that I use only linens and sheets sometimes but I’ve never made my own. I think it’s time!

  18. kage2015 says:

    I like to make things myself so this sounds like something I would make and use. DIY is always better.

  19. Sandy says:

    This is a great idea. Sometimes I have such a difficult time falling asleep at night mostly because I have so much on my mind. This calming linen spray sounds like just the thing I need to wind down and relax before bed!

    • admin says:

      I would love to know what you think of it if you try it out!

  20. This sounds like perfection. I might have to try this one. Thank you for sharing.

  21. I make something similar but with witch hazel. It works awesome!!

    • admin says:

      Ohhhh…I’m going to have to try that one now!

  22. Diane says:

    What size spray bottle did you use?

What do you think?

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