Life lessons can really kick you in the butt sometimes! I don’t know how it happened because it all went so fast! I didn’t think I would ever be here.
“40 years old!”
As a child, I remember thinking about how it seemed so far away when in reality it went by so fast. The old adage is true that each day goes by faster the older you get. I always thought I would “have it all together” by the time I was 40. I definitely don’t have it all together. But I do have a lot to be thankful for! Turning 40 is a great time of reflection! It reminds you to look back at where you have been and what you have overcome! Although I am still trying to learn a few simple childlike behaviors (like finishing my dinner plate) there are several things I know now that I wish I would have known 30 some years ago to make my life easier.
I’ve learned you’ve got to slow down and appreciate the little things that life brings to you. I’ve been knocked down by Satan and let him have power over me for certain periods of time. But you know what else…I’ve had so many intimate conversations with my Lord and he has pushed me to be where I am today!
Are you ready to step up your game and make the best of your life with these life lessons?

- FOLLOW YOUR PASSION – whatever gives you a drive and ignites the fire in your soul, DO IT! Life is too short to do anything other than the things you love. Stop wasting your hours filling your time with things that don’t truly bring you joy. Someone else’s passion is not your passion. You living for someone else will never satisfy the need in your soul and feel the warmth from doing the things you love.
- STOP COMPARING – you are beautiful, you are intelligent and you are amazing! God made you EXACTLY the way he wanted you to be and you are absolutely beautiful in his sight! There will always be someone who you “think” is prettier, smarter, more athletic, or more creative; you name it. Social media and the Internet makes sure that you see that on a daily basis. STOP IT! Live YOUR life!
- BUILD A POSITIVE NETWORK and DROP THE DRAINERS – think about the five people that you chose to surround yourself with. Make sure they emulate the positive support team that we all need. Being around encouraging and like-minded women (and men) will help us grow and succeed as mothers, friends and women! Take inventory of your friendships and make changes where necessary. You’ve heard it before, we all have friends for different seasons of our life. Just like in our earthly world, seasons change as do our friends. Learn to set boundaries for yourself and your network.
- LOVE YOURSELF – It seems pretty simple but this was the hardest thing for me to learn and something I have to actively work on everyday. Would you want to be around a person who is constantly putting themselves down and thinks that they have nothing of any value to offer the world? Stop doing that to yourself! Accept every good and bad part about who you are. We all have them. Once you do that, others will be able to, which in turn will provide healthy relationships. Stop putting so much stock into what other people think of you. Be authentic and real.
- STOP AND SMELL THE DAISIES (or roses) – in essence, SLOW DOWN! We live in a technology driven world that passes by so quickly. If you’re constantly connected to the outside world, you have no time to disconnect and embrace the beauty that surrounds you. Admire the little things. Blow dandelion kisses with your kids or grandkids. Go on a walk or run without any distractions – no phone, no music. Put simply, OBSERVE! Life is much more rewarding when you stop to smell the daisies!

What are some life lessons you know now that you wish you knew as a younger self? If you were going to write a letter to the next generation, what would you say to them? Even though I am celebrating 40 “old” years, I will proudly proclaim that “I’ve only just begun!” I’m ready to make the next years of my life beyond amazing!
Create the life you love!
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Fabulous words to ponder ????.