
Hold On My Friend

  1. Linda Jo Gleeson says:

    I am thankful to have been lead to you and this community. You are what I’ve been searching for

    • admin says:

      I am so glad you’re here my friend ❤️

      • Linda says:

        Beth, I know you have gone through many things in your life in this world 🌎 in general and also as a business lady. BUT you have gone through all to find your purpose. This purpose helps me. I know it helps many others because I have shared with many others. God knows all of us and if you can reach one person it’s worth it all. My prayers are with you and your future in this page and all your business as it unfolds in the future. Gods Blessings as you help so many people. I love you Beth Eaton. Sincerely, Linda PS: Through all you do as a person has helped me many times. Ty. .

  2. Mary Gayle Hunt says:

    Thank you for telling us your story how God changed your life. God is so good to us, but sometimes we forget.I used to have an amazing relationship with our Lord and Savior,but I stopped doing the things that gave me that relationship. As you said God has a purpose for each of us, and I want that special relationship back. In order to have it I have to work at it, and I will.
    Thanks again .

    • admin says:

      It is a tough road to stay on. There are a lot of things in life that can get us off track. I totally get it! You’ve got this my friend!

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