Someone once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that the darkness is a gift.
My darkness was a gift except I didn’t see it at the time.
In the darkness you search for light. In order for a light to shine so brightly, there must be darkness!
In darkness you have nothing else to see but who you truly are. In the darkness you feel lost and in that lostness you learn things about you that you never knew existed.
Without that darkness, you may never know what the depths of despair feels like. Without darkness, you don’t learn to fight when it’s the only thing you have.
Your darkness could be depression. Your darkness could be grief. Your darkness could be addiction. Your darkness could be anxiety.
A place for you to learn humility, grace, empathy, wholeness, and trueness. A place of growth even when it’s the most painful. There is beauty in the darkness. Beauty that will be seen when the light shines again!
When you’ve experienced your darkness, you are able to hold someone else’s hand through their darkness. Darkness comes when everything else is gone…it’s the time when your soul begins to be stripped of the past.
It is in the darkest skies that you see the brightest stars! A star that you never knew existed. But in the darkness, you find it, and learn it, and embrace it.
Don’t let the darkness defeat you.
Tonganoxie • Kansas
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This was beautiful!! Thank you!!
You’re welcome my friend!
I’ve always believed blessings come from the difficult experiences in life. This was beautiful and very well said. Thank you 😊 💖💖💖
Ty Beth. Today has been a day I would love to forget and I will put it in my past. But yes the dark days of health suffering can be very darkening. I am determined by my Gods help to beat this dark day or days. Because my God is greater than any power on this earth.
Ty Beth for your view on darkness. It shined a light to allow me to see tonight in this dark tunnel oh health that God is answering and healing will come. I will patiently wait upon the LORD. No matter how dark the tunnel. I have light within and see the light. God is the light.
I love ❤️ you Beth for sharing your thoughts. Ty.