What’s My Definition – Five Ways to Find Yours!

  1. marymakeup says:

    The 5 points are all great ones but my fav. is appreciate the little moments 😀

    • admin says:

      It’s so easy to let the little moments pass. Just living for now and not yesterday or tomorrow helps so much!

  2. I appreciate your honesty. It’s so true that we can either let life happen to us or take on life!

  3. I really enjoyed this post. It gave me a lot to ponder. Time to start defining myself!

  4. Jackie says:

    Listening to intuition is such an important part of finding happiness!

  5. Maegan says:

    My family has been taking a lot of unconventional routes lately which at times has been difficult for me (I struggle with being a people pleaser). I love your tips for defining yourself, especially finding joy!

    • admin says:

      It’s so hard when your heart is also to please people. I hope some of these tips help you along the way! Thank you for stopping by ❤️

  6. Whitney Kutch says:

    Oh I love this! And I’m all about breaking the rules (with reason 😉 )

  7. I have known who I am for years now, but like all things in life it evolves over time. In the past 18 months or so I have struggled when dealing with bouts of depression.

    • admin says:

      I am sorry to hear you have been dealing with depression. It’s an evil thing that plaques me too. My inbox is always open! I’ve got some other articles that you would probably love 🙂

  8. What a great exercise. I love this!

  9. Sharon says:

    This is a great post! I love all these tips but I really like the ‘enjoy the little things’. Sometimes life goes by so fast you have to slow it down and enjoy the small things.

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