Quick and Easy Halloween Door Hanger

  1. Amanda says:

    How cute and easy! And to think they normally sell stuff like this for $20

  2. Rachel says:

    This is so cool! I need a new door hanger!!

  3. Christa Anne says:

    I love this! Halloween is my favorite. I do modem crafts at Halloween than at Christmas! Adding this to my list. ?

  4. jesusglitter says:

    This is adorable and what a great idea to use scrap book paper. When I first looked at it I thought it was material. This would be great for a girl’s craft night!

  5. Rachel says:

    This is really cute. I like that it isn’t gore or horror. I don’t care for that type of Halloween decoration.

  6. […] Quick and Easy Halloween Door Hanger […]

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