Purge/De-Stash Calendar

  1. Sherri says:

    Love it…. such a great idea!

  2. Linnie Sohler says:

    I started decluttering a couple years ago,and am nearly finished. And since then I have had a full year with 2 major surgeries and recoveries, so I haven’t been decluttering for a couple years. But I have been extremely thorough! Here’s my system: take 3 bags or boxes to each site. One for throw away (easy), one for give away ( tugs at your heart occasionally), and one for PUT away ( the most difficult! It’s not a “keep” container, it means put it away during that session!). This has worked extremely well for me.
    Luckily, many of the places your calendar suggests need sorting, I have recently done. I would never be able to go through it all in 20 days, but those places definitely need a yearly go-through.
    And, the benefit is not only a more organized space, but a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction! So do what you can, and do it well! I’d love to hear if you tried my system and what you think of it.
    Beth, thank you for inspiring us to live uncluttered lives, to craft beautiful things, and to keep God in our hearts. May this be an amazing year for everyone! ❤

  3. Martha says:

    That is a wonderful idea. I like it.

  4. […] the 20 Day Purge and De-stash Challenge complete with a Free Printable Calendar and instructions from Beth at the Ruffled […]

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