Finding Joy in Obedience

  1. Monica says:

    The devil has been messing with me and my family intensely and daily for nearly 2 years now. Starting with the loss of my husband’s job.(still haven’t found compatible work in his field) followed by his heart attack this past November.
    And during this time, the diagnosis and death in January of my brother.
    I struggle to get up and going everyday. And in fact am now having frequent panic attacks.
    I have cried out to God multiple times asking to please bring us out of this trial soon.
    I know I should show joy even during trials, but I am really struggling to find a balance.
    I also know this too shall pass.
    But when you are unable to pay bills on time, it feels overwhelming and undoable.
    Thank you for sharing such encouraging words. Please keep sharing.
    I know my God walks before me and will eventually lead us out of this mess.

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