Claypot Ladybugs

  1. Judy Sullens says:

    So adorable. Love em

  2. Carmel Morales says:

    Awesome they’re so cute❀️😍

  3. Linda J says:

    They are the cutest ladybugs I have ever wanted to make πŸ₯° I just need the clay pots and already have everything else. A definitely a must make for me.

  4. LindaJ Gleeson says:

    These are the cutest ladybugs I have ever saw. A definitely yes to making them. Just need the clay pots I have everything else. It’s a big yes.

  5. Linda says:

    Going to go start this today! The red lady 🐞 is beautiful. Ty Beth. The meaning of the ladybug is some joyful words. I like it.

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