
Chevron Mason Jar Holder with Chalkboard

  1. This is so totally adorable and chic. I love it ! Too bad I’m not very crafty. but I will certainly try this.

  2. Niki @ Toot's Mom is Tired says:

    That’s a really cute way to display flowers! I’ve been looking for a cute display like this. Thanks!

  3. Cute! I had no idea this was so easy.

  4. Rachel says:

    This is really cute and also has a purpose. I can actually see myself making this.

  5. This is so cute!! I envy those who are good at DIY projects. I’m so horrible at them and being a perfectionist, I get way too stressed doing them too haha but my MIL could make this in a heartbeat so I’ll have to see if she could make it for me!

    • admin says:

      I have many women that say that and then attend one of my craft classes and they are pleasantly surprised 🙂

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