
Hello Summer Banner Sign

  1. Angie Holden says:

    This is just adorable! Thanks for joining!

  2. […] by making this fun summer sign from The Ruffled Daisy with wood and some scrap fabric […]

  3. […] Hello Summer Banner Sign by Beth of The Ruffled Daisy […]

  4. The perfect Summer sign! That fabric banner is so darn pretty!

    • admin says:

      Thank you!! I love using fabric like this 🙂

  5. […] Over at The Ruffled Daisy you’ll learn how easy it is to make this fun and colorful Summer Sign! […]

  6. What an absolutely adorable sign! It is a perfect housewarming gift!

    • admin says:

      I agree!! I have a lot of realtors that I create things for. This should be a MUST for them!

  7. Kate Andrews says:

    What a lovely idea! Summer is my favorite season and I get so happy when I start to feel the weather turn.

  8. This is so cute!! I wish I was more into DIY projects haha I envy those who are good at them!

  9. This is so cute! I have been working on pallet painting too! I am going to pin this idea! Thanks!

  10. Rachel says:

    I love how easy it is to get cute stencils now. The possibilities are endless.

  11. Omg! How cue is this! Love it. and looks simple enough for me to actually attempt

  12. […] Summer sign with fabric scrap banner […]

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